Why did I choose to write in English ?

Hello, world!

Today I wanted to talk about something, for myself I think since nobody asked me this but I wanted to answer anyway so here I am haha.

So why did I choose to write in English :

I'm French so it would have been so much easier for me to write a blog in French. Since it's my native language I could have been able to speak about my emotions and feelings way more easily. But I wanted a "challenge" I think? And I want my internet friends to be able to readme haha even tho they still don't know that I have this blog ;)

I'm not really good in grammar English grammar so I wanted to improve myself and show myself that I could do it haha. I speak with a lot of people through the World and I wanna be able to speak with them as easily as if I was speaking French.

I read a lot of English books, I watch many tv shows and youtube videos haha so this is how I'm trynna improve myself. If you guys want a post on How I Learned English ask me and I'll be super happy to write it because let's be honest, it's super hard to learn a language at school ( even if school is super practical and teach you the basics you need more than just classes ) ;))

And again if you find any mistakes in my blog, speak up because I need to know where I do mistakes to do better.

I still wanted to share a drawing, I recently did! It's not related to this post but I really appreciated it haha. It's inspired by Maleficent! And there's a video for Y'all. You can follow me in Instagram to see all my drawing before anyone else, it's Amyratiia <3

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